Friday, July 18, 2008

Some Things

Have had a few things lying around that I thought I'd put up, went to a friends mystically themed 21st as Don Quixote although nobody knew who he was except the taxi driver at the end who initially thought I was a witch. It probably didn't help that nobody knew what a barbers basin was either.

This is a poster thingy Michael and I made for a friends birthday yesterday arvo, he actually turned 23. Much to our chagrin.

Here's Michael and Fred making some surly looking executive decisions.

This is the cover for one of Dad's obscure Information Systems book, he borrowed an older drawing of mine and it sort of scares me because the text is perhaps even less accessible than the image.

Over and out.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Sort of a warm up for something else I'm working on, the colours come out sort of lacklustre after being scanned, could be my monitor though.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Journal Hoedown

Scanned some bits from my gettin about journal. Click for largerer.

Monday, May 12, 2008

I Got Wheels!

Serious good times.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Needing to work on my colours I thought I'd take a crack at painting some flowers, this is what I managed this afternoon, I need more though these were the only ones I could find around the place.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

WIP: Boiyd?

It started as a picture of a tawny frog mouth, its more...parroty now.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Insert Title Here

I think I could say this is finished, I want to work on other things now (click for bigger)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Something I was working on last year

I think it'll be a while yet before I decide to get intimate with it again.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Corrogated Rock Wall?

Saw an image in a little piece of ripped up card on my desk and try to bring i t out as an experiment, kinda worked.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Out There

Some pages from my current sketchbook, I've been trying out drawing things around me lately instead of just things from my head.


Monday, April 7, 2008


I've been having fun with gauche and ink this year, took photos along with the guys below but they all turned up blurry as hell so here are the least 2 blurry previews.

Still life in progress, I think I'm going to call it "Warhammer Guy on a Beer Can"

This one's been brewing for a while, I still need to do the creek and fix up the background a bit, the trees are a bit crap. Should be able to provide better pictures when I get my scanner up and running again.

Ogrey Adventures in Macro Land

I started messing around with the macro settings on my parents camera and decided to try it out on the little ogre guys I used to paint. They're all covered in little hairs that I actually can't see the traditional way.

Click on this guy with the skulls here for crazy bigness.

I kinda miss working on em...little guys...

New Place?

I thought it might be time to make a space for shoving things, sketches and bits and junk and stuff and shit. Drawings and little things I'm working on.

So yeah postwise, I got a some junk cooking in the bits corner with some sketches and stuff after that, prolly tonight.

Peace out.